Prince Ea

Prince EA is a very inspirational person. For his video “Why This World Should End” he gave a lot of good reasons of whats happening to world. One of these examples is about racism. This is a huge problem, of how presidents are racist and how they is states with so much racism. He gives so many reasons of how the world is ending do to endless amounts of problems. He also gives really good of how to save the world, he stated that love is what will save the world, and how it all starts with you. We need more kindness is this world we have to much violence and how police, and the government is corrupt. I believe that he could change the world, or anyone could change the world.

Music Artist

If you were a music artist, what kind of music would you produce? What artist would you be most like and why?

If I were music artist, I would make hip-pop or rap music. I would make music like drake, I really like drakes music, he’s good singer, and does a lot different genres musics. I would be like drake because I love rapping and listening to rap music.

Photoshop Article

Who were some of the celebrities who dislike photoshop? What are their reasons?

Some celebrities that don’t like photoshop are Kate Winslet and Brad Pitt. Kate Winslet dislikes photoshop because “GQ magazine” for digitally altering her body in its photographs and making her unrealistically thin. Brad Pitt dislikes it because he requested that there be no retouching on his “W magazine cover”, he personally picked, Chuck Close to shoot it, a photographer known for his extremely detailed portraits that expose skin flaws. While most people dream of magically removing their pounds and wrinkles, which he claims its makes photoshop is dangerous.

How does the American Medical Association (AMA) feel? Support your answer with evidence from the text.

The American Medical Association is against it. They stated “that alterations made through processes like Photoshop can contribute to unrealistic body image expectations, eating disorders and other emotional problems”.

How do you feel about photoshop? Give examples from your life to support your answer.

I agree with the AMA, Brad Pitt, and Kate Winslet. Photoshop can completely change someones look and body. I don’t look at magazines and say “I wish I look that”, but I’m speaking for girls now, because girls do what the opposite of what I do. When girls see pictures of “flawless” girls they are going to go crazy to look them, but little do they know its photoshop. I think people should use photoshop less so people don’t confidence when they can’t look them, they should show people without photoshop just to show what it could do.

Thought about photoshop


Is it fair to be able to represent the female body this way?
In my opinion I don’t thinks its fair. One reason is because not many people have access to this. Some girls also could get jelous that they can’t do it to themselves, to make them look prettier.

Which image do you think is prettier?
I think the first photo is prettier because it shows what she really looks like and how pretty she without photoshop.

Is photoshop cheating?
Yes because it could completely change someones look.

Personality Test-ESFJ

Do you think the personality test was accurate?

Yes, I think this test was accurate. One reason why it is accurate, because it really described me. Reading it made it sound exactly like me, for the feeling it says that I feel sympathy for people, and I do. I always feel bad for someone when something bad happens, I understand what people have been through, because I have been through a lot. For example, one of my friends were going through a bad time with his parents, since my parents are divorced I know how to help them.

Did it really describe you? Explain.

Yes, it did, when I read it thought it knew me. Everything described me really good. One reason is because for judging I scored a 7%, I think this was accurate, because I am not judgemental. I don’t judge people once I meet them, but I accept them for who they are. The second reason is that I scored a 4%, this also describes me because I use experience not my instinct.

What did you learn about yourself taking the test?

That I am really emotional. I can now see it. I can always understand people when they are going through hard time. I know how to help them because I know what they have been through many rough times. One other thing that I use my past experience more than my senses.